Changes are brewing…
There have been many learning moments over the last 14 months and one that has come up over and over is that change is a good thing.
More so, it’s necessary for evolution.
I have never been so quiet on social media or with my business as I have been since February of 2020. There has been so much contemplation, about not only the current world climate, but also the FUTURE OF SMALL BUSINESSES such as my own.
My business model was created around PEOPLE. The gathering of strangers in public where conversations would evolve from person to person. Events that bring people together, to connect, to seek out similar interests and share knowledge. CONNECTIONS that build communities, ideas and bring positive change. ✨
When the world shut down and only some people were given permission to continue to work, to continue to support their families and provide income, lots of feelings began stirring and I had hard decisions to make.
What I haven’t been very public about is all the changes I have been making in the background. To not only survive the past 14 months, but to ADAPT AND GROW as a human being and as a business owner.
This post has been a long time in the making and THE DOMESTICATED WILD CHILD is no longer the same as it was when the business was originally launched in 2014, as a side gig to spend less time supporting my pharmaceutical career and more time raising my daughter and remembering who I truly am.
Because of this, you will be seeing some drastic CHANGES that have been in the works since last year.
A RE-BRANDING so to speak!
🌿 A NEW LOGO IMAGE that is the culmination of many years of growth, change and creative minds. I can’t thank all those involved enough. Your visions brought out ideas that encompass all that I love about herbalism, art and being a small business owner. From the original artwork to the most recent version, I see myself at different stages in them all.
🌿 With a new logo comes NEW LABELS! Over the next few months you may see a crossover of old and new label designs within your orders. For many reasons, I won’t be tossing out previously printed labels and starting with the new. The waste especially is too great. So please be patient and understanding when things look different on the outside, knowing the inside potion remains high quality.
🌿 That being said, NEW FORMULATIONS have been in testing for months and I will be rolling out new product offerings while DISCONTINUING older, less popular potions.
🌿 A RESTRUCTURED BUSINESS MODEL to better adapt to whatever the world wants to dish out, including a WEBSITE. Finally!
This will give me a lot more freedom with my business and a breakaway from the the excessive fees and restrictions that Etsy has been increasing exponentially since I joined in 2015.
However, it does also bring on SOME LIMITATIONS.
🌿 Part of this will include a shift from my entire product line being available all the time, to LIMITED QUANTITIES made each month/quarter/season and once they are sold out, waiting for a new release.
This change has taken a lot of personal development. To let go of things that no longer work and understanding that in todays world, it isn’t a SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS option to be creating and stocking inventory as if there were places to go and share them with everyone. Even with the limited markets and safe shopping protocols in place, people have not come out to support the businesses in their communities. Major corporations such as Amazon 💰 , Walmart 💰, etc., saw record profits, while local businesses began shutting their doors like never before.
Online sales for small businesses are nothing at all like in person sales.
All of this culminates with some major SALES heading your way!
✨ Clearing the shelves, cleansing the mind, letting go and starting fresh in so many ways!✨
If you have read this far, I THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time. 🙏🏼
Your support is what breathes life into my creative soul and keeps things moving forward. If not for those that have continually stuck by me and supported The Domesticated Wild Child, there would be no reason to have put the energy and time into all of these changes.
You all are the reason I find inspiration to create, to help, to heal, to push through the scary times and continue the fight.
We need each other, more than ever.
I am GRATEFUL for each and every connection that theDWC has brought forth and look forward to what the future holds! ✨
Be kind, always.
Corinn ❤️